Butler’s Chocolate

Established in 1932, Butlers Chocolates has been making and selling delicious confections for almost 90 years
Newmarket Racecourse

AudioTek solved the problems of poor intelligibility that had been plaguing Newmarket Racecourse.

OMNIA is, without doubt, the most talked-about nightclub in Las Vegas and right across the clubbing world, taking up a mammoth 75,000 square feet split across three spaces.

Audiotek designed and supplied a state-of-the-art lighting, sound and video package for Mercantile Group’s latest offering in Dublin, which boasts an audio system that speaks for itself.

Best known for their flagship venue in Las Vegas, this is the first OMNIA brand day club, and what a location to choose. Located on the stunning limestone cliffs of Uluwatu, OMNIA Bali is a stunning venue in every way.

Hakkasan’s 80,000 square foot venue over five floors of the MGM Grand Hotel is the benchmark by which all other nightclubs are judged.
Yauatacha Restaurant

Audiotek specified and installed entirely Tannoy sound systems in the new Waikiki and Houston properties
Grand Mayan Resort

The result of Hakkasan Group and Grupo Vidanta’s new strategic partnership in Los Cabos, the Grand Mayan Resort is home to four new concepts.
Wadham College, Oxford University

The new student experience centres at Wadham University Centre include seminar rooms, a student bar, common room, and café as well as communal spaces.
York Racecourse, UK

Audiotek took over the maintenance of York Racecourses PAVA system and have now completed a major refurbishment of the exterior PA zones.